Talents - work.management
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TALENTS Reinventing the job search platform from the ground up!

It’s no secret we live in a talent driven economy and most candidates are looking for the right job rather than just any Job!


Using big data technology to search 1,000’s of positions, allowing employers more view more than the conventional CV,

whilst all the time putting the control firmly in the hands of the candidate.


The emphasis is defiantly on function and usefulness rather gimmicky toys allowing employers to sort the chaff from the wheat.

With powerful alerts and matching tools, Talents is more marriage bureau than jobs board.

Hiring and retaining TALENT may increasingly rely on the quality of someone’s work rather than when and where they do that work.

In a world where the academic certificate is no longer enough, where employers are now social detectives and being fantastic no longer cuts the mustard.


Talents provides a simple discrete tool set to enable connections between the talented and the talent seeker.

Work the four letter word

Perm or Temp

Whether you're look for permanent or temporary work talents has specific tools to help


With easy to use intuitive navigation and user profile settings making searching for jobs and candidates simple.


Candidate and Organisation aliases ensure user profiles are discrete and full identity only revealed to employers of interest to the user.


Open Market Talents takes privacy very seriously, by allowing users to remain anonymous until the user is comfortable to reveal their personal information to a prospective employer.

Whilst forums like Linkedin maybe useful for some job seekers and recruiters others find such sites inappropriate, counter productive, indiscreet or proceeding from too great a readiness to reveal things that should remain private or secret for example you wouldn’t want all your customers knowing whom all your suppliers are.


There are occasions where individuals may not necessarily be actively looking for a new role, however if the dream job turns up they would seriously consider it.  Open Market Talents allows users to set specific desired indicators/conditions where they would be available for a new post, for example when contracting one may consider a move if the pay or length of contract were significantly more attractive.